Monday, November 11, 2013

Newness for November...

I struggle with trying to be two artist and writer. I'm currently trying to find a way to bring these two together successfully. I could do a blog about to apply makeup, reviewing makeup, etc., but I feel there are already great people out there doing that. 

I had my confessional blog there for a while with WHEN BEAUTY GETS UGLY, and it certainly was fun. Yet what I really need is a place that showcases what I can do with words. Plus, I must strengthen my writing like I did with my makeup artistry - for someday I hope to trade my lipstick slinging ways for a book contract. 

So I'm trying something new. I will try every day to write a 100 word story, based on five randomly picked words, that covers a slew of topics - including beauty!

(This should be interesting;)

I will be changing my blog name to 100 WORDS OR LESS...or possibly something far more clever than that;)

Thank you for always sharing this small bit of time with me. Hopefully you come back for more...

Thursday, August 1, 2013

"In Closing..."

It looks like we need another lesson in How Not to Shop in Cosmetics.

I was taking one of those online surveys the other day—you know, the ones that want feedback on your shopping experience. I took it, just hoping I might be the next “instant winner”. Which, of course, I wasn’t. Surprise, surprise.

Before I continued my cyber-wandering for the day, I skimmed down to the survey’s comment section—and damn if the very first comment on there didn’t get my panties in a bunch. This woman was complaining how the store’s employees shut the lights off five minutes before closing, and asked her to please take her purchases to the register. She went on to say how she hated feeling rushed when she was just trying to pick up a meal for her family.

By the way, did I mention this was at ten o’clock in the evening?

First off, who buys dinner for the family at ten at night? Someone who doesn’t have it altogether, I’d say. And second, she had the whole freaking day to do it!

Now, I know a lot of you out there who work/have worked for a very specific retailer know exactly where I’m headed with this. For those of you who don’t, let me clarify…

When you work for an establishment that refuses to close until the last customer is done shopping—no matter how long that takes—you are going to end up with serious assholes taking advantage of that. And to make sure we are perfectly clear for all the non-retailers out there, when I say ‘refuses to close’…that means every employee in the building must stay for that one single customer. Just in case. And we’re not talking about staying ten or fifteen minutes late. We’re talking anywhere from half an hour to an hour. Wait, wait…let that sink in.


At most of these places, people have 10+ hours to get their shopping done. I’m sorry, but if you can’t manage to get things done before ten or eleven at night, you really need to rework your priorities. Yes, I know sometimes we have emergencies. Sometimes you just have to grab something real quick. That’s not who I’m talking about here. I’m talking about the person who suddenly needs to finish their grocery shopping at closing time. Or the lady who just has to have that new dress—like right now.

Or the lady who needs to pick a new lipstick shade at 9:59PM.

Heaven forbid us retail workers would want to get home sometime today. And how dare we make them feel rushed, right? Yet I’m pretty sure if some person kept them at their job half an hour to an hour past their quitting time, they wouldn’t be at all happy. Not at all. In fact, they’d be pissed.

But you know what’s even worse than the people who don’t take our outside lives into consideration? It’s the ones who do—the ones who know exactly what they’re doing.

There was a couple who would often come into the above mentioned store, at least once or twice a month, at ten minutes to closing. They would walk through fragrance, asking for samples. Never once buying. In reality, the whole purpose to their visit was to pretend to shop as long as they could.

Okay, let me say that one more time.

This couple would come in with the sole purpose of seeing how long it took before the store kicked them out. Talk about fucking with people, right? 

In closing (haha), I would like to say to all the people out there, the ones who never stop to think that maybe the new eyeshadow they want can wait until tomorrow…

…Fine. But don’t ever let us figure out where you work—because we might just call or pop in…right before quitting time.


Thanks all! And happy shoppingJ


Monday, July 22, 2013

"Traveling..Ain't It A Bitch"

I’ve been on vacation this last week…hence no beauty post. I hope you all can forgive that. I don’t know about you all, but I unplug myself completely when I’m on vacation. That means no Facebook, no email—not even my phone…mostly. I answer texts and phone calls only when absolutely critical.

Still, this next post is about travel—which I know a lot of us out there do for our lines or our jobs. We experience those horrible flights that are inevitable. Those whack roommates who are unavoidable—and, of course, those crazed events or competitions that seem unending.

I had to travel for work recently, right before my vacation. This trip, like a few others I've had (hello, day trip to San Francisco), was a real experience. I should have known the moment I dropped my large Trish McEvoy page, loaded with some of my favorite discontinued Nars eye shadow, on my bathroom floor. Literally five minutes before I had to leave for the airport.

Yeah, big mess.

Anyway, my flight was on the smallest commercial plane I’d ever been on. The first ten rows were single seats. Just as I was about to get hopeful, they broke off in to two tinier seats. I ended up next to a yoga instructor on her way to Mexico. She was super nice—which was great…but unfortunately, the rest of the plane smelled of vomit. The stink only grew worse throughout the flight.

We exited, all of us gladly, only to find ourselves on a little island inside the LAX airport. Now, I’ve flown in and out of this airport more than any other. I had no idea it had these little outposts. The buses there run slow…probably because they need to wait on the runway for the damn planes as they shuttle you in.

I started my California adventure (pun absolutely intended) in a cab with a driver who reminded me of the one we had in Mexico. I am certainly no stranger for road rage, but damn. That was one angry, jolting, colorful cab ride through Los Angeles.

The actual school/training part of my day was great. I have to say, after fifteen years in cosmetics…I have finally found a real home in the line I work with. And as an artist, it’s ironic it isn’t with a makeup line (though I am, and will always be, a huge fan of Nars…). I left that day the way they mean you to leave. With dedication, excitement and confidence.

However, I was still a long way from home…

The cab ride back to the airport was much better. This driver was more relaxed—and it only cost a couple dollars more for that nice, calm drive. Once through security, I did what most all of you would do. I had a drink.

Of course, in an airport, the damn thing cost me nearly $16, but it was the size of a soup bowl. Since I didn’t want a $16 piece of chicken with it, I ordered the cheapest thing I could…a bowl of “world renowned Chowder”. It came with dense, soggy fries which were chewy enough that the only way to tolerate them was to dip it in the white mass of gelatin-looking soup in front of me—which seemed to float in a layer of yellow grease inside my bowl. Tucked inside the soup were three, large lumps of star shaped saltwater crackers. After trying the soup and the fries, I decided maybe the crackers were safer.

Nope. There was nothing safe or yummy about them. They were hard and stale. So I ate what I could stomach, but mostly sat there and drank my wine…that is, until a gnat flew into it.

At this point, I only had ten minutes until my boarding time. If the glass hadn’t cost me $16, I might have just left it. Instead, I rushed to the bar, pleading with the bartender to refill my wine—but only to the point it was before the gnat. I didn’t want to stumble onto the plane.

So I got a fresh glass, which I was then forced to down so I could get back to my gate.

I reached it with only a few minutes to spare. Now, here is where the writer in me found some really fun entertainment. There was a slew of characters around me on the plane. I’ve told you before how I look for traits in strangers that I can file away and use for later…well, I found one of my best one yet.

 It was the lady with the crucifix. Not a necklace, or one that people hold in their hands, but a giant two and half foot Jesus on a cross that she cradled like a toddler on her hip. On her other shoulder hung a neon pink tote bag with the words ‘I Love Jesus’ stitched into it.


I finished my day parked on the plane, stuck between a man who looked just like the bad guy from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom—the one who rips out other people’s hearts—and a big trucker whose t-shirt said ‘For Sale: Good Old Bob’.

At least I can say my day was very entertaining…


Cheers to you all!!! And happy traveling;)


Monday, July 1, 2013

"Foundation, Foundation, Foundation..."

One of the most ridiculous parts of my day lately—especially now that it’s summer—is foundation matching. should be simple, right? And about 55% it is. However, that other 45% is just killing me right now. Each day I’ve grabbed my three foundation shades, intent on finding the perfect match for the person in front of me—

—Only to find out that’s not what they want. Sure, fine. I’ve been in this business long enough that I can roll with just about anything. I’m used to that client that doesn’t want the foundation to match.

You all know the one.

In fact, I automatically go for the lighter colors as a general rule now when I find myself in this situation. It never fails, though…I never start light enough. It’s as if my brain simply cannot grasp that they really do want that number one or number two shade—the one made for the most porcelain of porcelain skins.

The lighter/darker foundation thing isn’t what frustrates me. Not at all. You want to be paler than you are now? Cool. I’m not wearing it, so it doesn’t affect me. You want to go ten shades darker so you look like you have a tan? Fine—it’s your money.

See, what bothers me is the guessing game. Because now I’m in a position where I need to match a color that’s envisioned in my customer’s head. I have no idea what that color is. None. So I start slapping stripes on these poor girls, trying to determine if it’s too yellow, or too pink—or too light, or too dark. They get frustrated, I get frustrated. If it was always the same, if they always wanted to the same look, things would be different. But they don’t.

And I am not a mind reader.

If I was…I certainly wouldn’t be slinging lipsticks.

Then there’s the other side, the ones that don’t like foundation because it washes them out. We do our best to explain that a foundation is supposed to neutralize the color on the skin—lessoning the red, as it were. Yet every time we match a color, it’s never right. It’s always too light for them. So we go darker, and darker. And darker. Eventually, we come to understand that foundation is coming back as soon as our customer catches sight of themselves in the daylight. There will be no covering that orangey, streaky mess with bronzer. No sir, not this time. There’s simply no way to make that utter disaster look natural.

We only hope the rest of our fellow peers/makeup artists aren’t looking. We don’t want them to think that we think we picked the right color for that person.

We have an image to maintain, after all. We’re artists.

There’s one last thing that gets under my skin during a foundation matching…and that’s watching some customers put on their foundation. When they start rubbing it in like they’re massaging a strained muscle—with vigor and far too much pressure—and then tell you they don’t see anything. I want to smack them atop their head. Of course you don’t see it…you just rubbed the damn thing away silly.

Makeup application is all about education, education, education…

…and lately, class has been in session all day long.


Cheers to you all! And happy shopping:)

Monday, June 24, 2013

When Beauty Gets Ugly: "Surviving the Summer Slowness"

Ahh, summer. I have to say, I love it most of all…except for when I’m working. But that’s all of us, right? I mean, this time of year is P-A-ainful for working retail. Especially beauty retail. Everyone’s on vacation or going on vacation. People are wearing less makeup for the season, or they’re shopping for cute summer clothes, not summer makeup. Any way you slice it, summer hours can drag on endlessly when you’re missing the best of them—that is, when you’re trapped inside a windowless, heavily air-conditioned store all day, doing what amounts to a whole lot of nothing.

For me, it really affects my mood…because if there’s one thing I hate, it’s being stuck in cold-ass air conditioning. I hate being cold as much as I hate being stuck. Maybe more. So when Lipstick Lady walks up to my counter, smile on her face and smelling of warm summer air—I find myself having to dig deep for the niceness I know is in me somewhere.

I don’t know if any of you ever reach that point—the one where it’s been so long since you’ve helped someone, you’re just not in the mood to help anyone anymore. Let alone the damn near albino woman who walks up wanting the same nude lipstick she read Nicki Minaj wears—with the unshakable impression it’s going to look exactly the same on her. You then have to spend the next half hour or so, convincing her slowly that she needs the right kind of nude—not the one she read about in a magazine.

Maybe she gets it, maybe she doesn’t. For me, I just focus on surviving the moment.

This is also the time of year when everyone starts asking you where the bathroom is. I don’t know how many times I’ve wished for a sign I can hold, which would save me from having say the same thing over and over and over. Floods of people come wandering in from the heat, looking for quick relief from the sun and their full bladders. Every other question I hear is, “Where’s your restroom?”

Good thing our bathroom isn’t totally tricky to find or anything. Oh, wait…

So how do we survive summer?

Well, we do a lot of chatting, which helps kill some time. We organize and reorganize our counters and drawers (or maybe that’s just me;). We take an extra break, or two (or more)—all of this for the sake of our sanity. And if we can sneak it in, we do makeup on ourselves or each other—which is my preferred method for killing time.

I’ll admit freely that I both truly love, and totally dread this time of year. Which I find an unusual and interesting contradiction.

…So how do I survive summer? One glorious and painful moment at a time;)…

Happy summer to you all! And happy shopping:)
*If you have any great tips for beating the summer blah session...let me know!*





Tuesday, June 18, 2013

When Beauty Gets Ugly: "Energy Vampires" and "Shopping with Husbands"

Energy Vampire – n. A person who feeds off the energy of humans they come in contact with.

A customer said the most interesting thing to me the other day. Not interesting ‘Oh’, but interesting as in ‘What? Well, FU lady’. Sure, we weren’t really hitting it off to begin with—you know how sometimes you and a customer just don’t click? Well, there I was putting on this woman’s eyeliner as she sat in the chair—her arms crossed tight against her chest and her lips pursed. I got the impression she was barely tolerating my existence.

Out of nowhere, she says to me, “I don’t know how you people do it sometimes. Look at that woman over there…”

I pause and glance over my shoulder. There’s a lone salesperson walking through her area, looking over her cases.

The woman continues with, “You people have to spend so much of your time doing nothing, I don’t know how you do it—”

(...and here’s where it gets good…)

She goes on to say, “I know you people who work retail are born to do this job, but still…I don’t know how you tolerate it.”

Wait, what? Did she seriously just say that?

What’s funny is, I understood she wasn’t intentionally trying to be rude or insulting. But that didn’t stop me from resenting the hell out of her. I mean, some of the smartest and most talented people I’ve met work in retail. Anyway, by the time we wrapped it up, I was done with her. I was spent. Drained. Ready to break away from everything and recharge—too bad they don’t let you do it with margaritas, huh?

Because some customers just do that to you.

And all that brings me to my main topic. I’ve been pondering how to start this subject for a while. I mean, how do you describe ‘Energy Vampire’ to someone who doesn’t work in retail? Because unlike other customer archetypes I’ve covered, the Energy Vampire doesn’t have any typical characteristics. They can be anyone, anywhere. Sometimes they’re nice, sometimes they’re shy. Sometimes they’re other things and other words I have no need to say here. As with the woman above, you all know what I mean.

So what is the Energy Vampire? Well, they are the customers we get, probably more frequently than most, that drain us completely. When we’re done with them, it’s generally time to call it a day and start drinking.

There’s really no rules here. Most times, but not always, they take a lot of our time. Sometimes it’s searching for lipstick (What? Lipstick? No way...), sometimes it’s just a quick touch-up. Sometimes it’s eyeliner, or skincare, or foundation…and on and on and on.

Bottom line is, there’s no way to spot this person until you’re already ass-deep in helping them. Suddenly it’ll just hit you as you’re reaching for that next color. You feel weak, tired. It becomes harder and harder to think of things to talk about. There’s this little whining voice inside you saying, “I hope this is the last one.” When it’s not, you damn near whimper with fatigue. Unfortunately, this goes on and on and on…seemingly forever and ever. Amen. Too bad garlic and crosses don’t work on these vampires...and anyone who doesn’t believe in the dreaded E.V., obviously wasn’t born to work retail.


Who of you out there are familiar with this particular scenario:

A husband and wife walk up to your counter. The husband reaches you first, his eyes bright with humor. He lifts his lips in a cheery smile and says, “So, can you make me look beautiful?”

Ha, ha. Heh.

After giving him my standard, ‘you’re so funny’ laugh, I say something like, “Sure…you want a little blush, a little lipstick?” Everybody laughs. Kind of. To be fair, that joke was funny the first two or three times I heard it. But over a decade later, and after hearing it a hundred times over, it kind of loses its charm—and my laugh is no longer capable of being genuine.

Besides, at this point I’m too busy trying to figure out what kind of experience this is going to be. Good? Or bad…

Husbands, especially controlling ones, are the banes of our existence. There’s nothing so frustrating as hearing a woman say, “I need to ask my husband first before I buy” or “Oh, I really love this color husband doesn’t like it when I where [pink, red, bright, nude, or even just] lipstick.”

No. No, no, no, NO! You husbands do not get to tell your wives what to do or wear—especially if it makes them feel pretty. My hubby doesn’t like it when I do my bright and crazy makeup—and you know what I tell him? Tough shit. It’s me. It’s who I am.

So when I see a husband and wife walk up together, I’m wondering if he’s going to be the husband that gives encouraging feedback or wanders off until we’re done, or the husband that hangs over my shoulder and tells me what to put, or what not to put, on his wife’s face.

Ugh…Worst moment ever: being told what to do by a man who knows absolutely nothing about makeup. No, sir, that camel eyeshadow will not look good or natural on your pink-porcelain skinned wife.

What? You want me to put it on anyway? Sure…obviously I don’t know what I’m doing.

What? It didn’t look right so maybe I should have used a different brush? Sure....that’ll make it look better…

I’m sorry, did you say you want me to put that brick-red lipstick on her too?  Okay, but just remember…you asked for it, bud.

Thanks for sticking with me—this was an especially long one!


Cheers to all my peeps out there, and happy selling;)!



Sunday, June 9, 2013

When Beauty Gets Ugly: "Beauty Disaster Montage"

I know we all can relate to a plain old, flat out, exhausting week. I’m going to touch a bit on the whole theme thing for a minute because I swear, it seems like whenever the crazies come, they come in droves. The most hilarious thing—that I just realized at this very moment as I sit here typing—is that so many of my infamous customer archetypes came to see me this week.

That’s why this post was such a long time coming—I had no idea where to start. My first thought was gifts…because that’s always a fun thing to talk about. Gift Events have the unique, wonderful ability of bringing out the hag in haggle. It never fails that when the foreign bus coughs out its load (no really, I’m not being jerk—there really is a foreign bus), the topic of gifts always comes up.

That was my first clue that this was going to be a bad week.

I was bombarded by a family of five travelers from _____ (I will let the experts out there fill in the blank) who insisted on receiving five gifts from La Mer—plus five gift bags from the department. To be fair, they were purchasing over a thousand dollars’ worth of product. However, I stood fast and refused them—mainly because they threatened me with online ordering. I do not deal well with threats. And seeing as I don’t work on commission and this wasn’t my line, I didn’t need the sale.

So I brought them down to a more realistic, more acceptable limit. Bully for me.

Yet low and behold, at the very moment I was putting their gifts together, I caught sight of The Endlessly Annoying and Always Indecisive Woman—and it was just my luck that she was waiting for me.

Trust me, I did not hold back the groan. I even cursed under my breath—which happened to be loud enough for a coworker to hear.

Luckily, we were both on the same page.

And here’s where I’m forced to bite my tongue. She only took up a half hour of my time (most of which was spent looking for a gift bag with decent sewing on the inner lining…ugh). But she purchased from my line, AND I only had to try on three orange nail polish colors—just three…mostly because I lied and said they were the only orange nail polishes in the department (don’t you judge me).

All in all, I consider this to be a major victory.

Other visits this week included the Constant Returner, the Sample Whore, and always, always the Lipstick Lady (Bless her heart…she never really leaves, you know. I’m convinced she has a secret home built under one of the clothing racks).

And last, but don’t you dare ever call her least, was the Know-It-All.

Oh, I can see that hair coming a mile away—not to mention the contouring. It was a blessed day for me as it was the day I chose to wear my flats. There are some benefits to being S.A.H. (Short As Hell), when I’m in flats I don’t have to bend over to hide from people. All I have to do is lean forward a bit and poof! I’m gone.

So I spent a good fifteen minutes leaning forward and circling the five foot wall of the counter I had to hide behind. I’m sure it was a great moment for the LP people (the Eyes in the Sky), watching me move like a gerbil on a wheel as I avoided making eye contact with this woman.

Do I feel bad that one of my good friends was forced to help her?


Would I do it again?

You bet your ass I would.


What? It was a really bad week…


Cheers to you all! And happy shopping…

To BS: I didn’t forget, I promise;)


Tune in next time as I finally call out ‘The Energy Vampire’ and ‘Shopping with the Hubby’!